The Floralies’ Committee, a 80 year-old institution

Since 1942, the Floralies Committee has been composed of a passionate team of people, committed to a common multi-faceted project with strong core values.

The history of the Committee

Ultimate “rendez-vous” for plant-lovers, the Floralies Committee has been gathering professionals and amateurs, experts and beginners, greenery aficionados since 1942.

Over the decades, this passion has been the common link between teams. It united more than professions and sparked a true synergy within the Committee.

As a non-profit organization (under the 1901 French Law), the team and members’ human investment, commitment and convictions have been key elements over the years – and still are to this day – to develop and sustain the association’s purpose.

Its goals varied with eras: at the very beginning, the Floralies Committee aimed at making Horticulture a popular domain in the eye of the General Public.

Nowadays, the organization’s ambition is to promote the richness and diversity of the Plant Industry, from the technical standpoint to the artistic concept. By emphasizing such know-hows, the Floralies Committee has proven to be a key player both in the industry and the local market’s dynamics.

Know-hows ambassador advocating for the Region, the Committee unites talents by launching the Floralies flower show and attend International plant and flower events.

In 1956 the Floralies Committee launched the first edition of the International Floralies and is amongst the first institutions to implement such an event. Thirteen editions later, the Committee remains the organizer of the undeniably renowned flower show.

True Plant and Terroir ambassador, the Floralies’ fame grows and spreads across Europe and in the world giving the event an international recognition:

– Euroflora (Genoa, Italy)
– Taipei International Flora Exposition (Taïwan)
– Martinique Floralies (France)
– Floraliën Gent (Ghent, Belgium)

The human adventure

The Horticulture Hotel, headquarters of the organization, is the meeting point for passionate discussion and idea generation for members of all ages. With common goals in mind, the Committee is composed of engaged volunteers.

The organization is at the heart of a human adventure, in which key market players join in on its Plant-related project. They portray the industry trends and the natural evolution of professions represented at the show through the editions.

From growers, nursery owners, horticulturists wildly present in the first decades, we now witness a growing presence of newer technical careers, such as landscape architect, and artistic ones, like floral designer.

Thus, the event has been – and still is – a true reflection of the general professional environment across the eras.

Our upcoming projects

With a team strengthened from complementary profiles and experiences such as: landscape architect, teacher, florist, company coordinator, vegetable grower, accountant, nursery owner… The Floralies Committee wishes to be in alignment with the industry, the trends and the interest in the current activity.

As mentioned, the power of the members’ commitment will allow the Floralies Committee to honor its Heritage and proudly fly its colors in the new projects…

The renewed objectives shall be in alignment with the ever-evolving general and global context, taking into consideration different points of view, such as social, professional and environmental…

The Soul and core values – based on human synergy, plant and flower emphasis and international connections – will be the guiding principles of the Floralies Committee and those who will join the Journey alongside the team.

Find us


Hôtel de l'Horticulture
7, quai Henri Barbusse
44000 NANTES - France

02 40 14 58 60

13th Floralies Internationales - France

La Chabotterie