Stays & accommodations
Find all the offers of stays & accommodations of our partner “En Vendée”.

Who are they?
Major actor of tourism in Vendée !
In order to facilitate your search for stays and accommodations for your visit to the 13th Floralies Internationales – France 2024, we invite you to contact our partner “En Vendée”.
You can send your requests by mail:
– For individual stays :resa@en-vendee.com
– For groups of more than 20 people :groupes@en-vendee.com
In case of need, you can also contact their team at 02 51 62 65 27.
Opening hours :
– Monday: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm / 1:30 pm – 6:00 pm
– Tuesday to Thursday: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm / 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
– Friday: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm / 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Would you like to discover the Vendée region at the same time as the 13th Floralies Internationales – France 2024?
Go to our partner “En Vendée” to discover all the thematic stays they propose.
These stays are adaptable to your desires and your program, do not hesitate to contact them to create a custom stay that looks like you!
Do you need accommodation near the 13th Floralies Internationales – France 2024?
Whether you are looking for a gîte, a campsite or a hotel, our partner “En Vendée” is at your disposal to advise you and find the accommodation that will suit you!
You are an exhibitor of the Floralies 2024 ?
Contact “En Vendée” to facilitate your search for accommodation around the Domaine de la Chabotterie.
(Refer to the contact details at the top of the page).